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Tips on Choosing a Good Vending Machine


There are two major reasons people want a coffee vending machine which are: to make a profit from selling hot drinks and coffee or to provide good coffee and hot drinks in a cost effective manner to their staff, visitors, students, and customers.


The truth is that one of the factors to consider when selecting a vending machine of Vending Service Norfolk is the ability to produce great tasting coffee since over the last couple of years consumers have come to expect real coffee. A lot of people want to see the coffee beans being ground that shows that the customer is getting real coffee that has an awesome taste. Fresh coffee will keep clients coming back and even if the person is free vending the staff and the visitors will appreciate the taste of the coffee that is an indicator that the company values them.


People prefer to have a variety of hot drinks to select from and having such a wide variety of drinks the customer can choose between cappuccino, espresso, flat white or black, or latte and if the machine can offer a hot chocolate drink and boiling water to make tea, then they are covered. The vending machine also needs to serve the drinks quick enough to meet a high demand at ease. It is good to note that even though it takes some seconds to grind and brew coffee, the vending machine should not take more than half a minute for each cup thus the person needs to choose a vending machine that can serve, between 30 to 200 cups per hour depending on the needs.


The coffee machine has to be cost effective thus the person needs to choose a machine that serves real bean coffee or gourmet that is not very expensive. The coffee vending machine has to be automated to use by having only three steps to get coffee that include: placing a cup under the drink spout, pressing a button to select the preferred drink then serving. This frees the employees to prepare food or take payments as the vending machine makes the coffee and it makes the aspect of self-service a good option for clients such that they do not need any help from the staff.


A known fact is that coffee machines can have complicated cleaning procedures and long startup times while the heating of milk has cost implications for staff time and causes downtime when they are serving drinks. Thus, it is best to choose a vending machine that requests a daily top up of coffee, milk, and chocolate then needs a simple cleaning procedure. Know more here.

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